

General inquiries, mailing list, kudos, huzzahs, disses are all welcome:

info at antoinewilson d0t com

Media, Press Inquiries, Events, etc.:

Alexandra Primiani
Avid Reader Press
alexandra.primiani at simonandschuster d0t com


Anna Stein
anna d0t stein at caa d0t com


  1. Hi Antoine,

    My name is Vivek and I write to you from Bombay, India. I am an avid reader. Well, I am more than an avid reader. Let’s put it this way: If I had to ever choose between books and reading and anything else in the world, books and reading would take 1st place, hands down. Having said that, I love reading and reviewing books on my blog:

    I also write for the following sites:

    My blog gets an average of 400 to 500 hits per day. A lot of reviews are up on the blog. The total blog views are 133, 080. I have close to 2500 people following my blog. Would it be possible to receive a review copy of, “Panorama City”?

    I also review books for Peirene Press, Picador US, Graywolf Press, Hachette, Harper Collins, Europa Editions, Hesperus Press, Insomniac Press, Macmillan, Telegram Books and Picador UK.

    Please let me know if that’s possible.


  2. Hi Antoine,

    I’m a Romanian book blogger and I recently discovered your book “Panorama City”. I like the idea of the book and I would love to have the chance to read it and make a review on my blog. I would also love to put my name down for a chance to get a paperback reviewer copy of “Panorama City” if you are accepting names at the moment. If your not accepting names … that’s fine. I understand -?- Sincerely Jacqline @ Discover the Magic of Books

  3. Luke Tennis

    Hey. I like your writing. Liked your story “Home James, etc,” so I read your story in Paris Review online and liked it also. So I just checked out your new book online and liked the writing a lot, so I want to get my hands on a copy asap.

  4. T

    Hello Antoine,

    I enjoyed reading both The Interloper and Panorama City. Your style drew me in. My past experiences in life have been shocking and unbelievable, and something I want to share, if only to prevent other women from experiencing such turmoil. These experiences I’ve had, have everything needed to keep a reader captivated. I would be honored if you put it on paper.

    Thanks for your time,

  5. Hi T,

    Thanks for the kind words. Sounds like you’ve had quite a life so far. I’m afraid, though, that I don’t really work with other people’s ideas, being too captivated by my own. : ) I wish you the best of luck.


  6. Barbara Geach

    Picked your book Panorama City on a dice roll, so to speak, because of the blurb comparing your writing to Stewart O’Nan. I thought, yeah, sure, hype. What a great surprise to find that you can write with the best of them (with one hand tied behind your back). I’m loving it. Panorama City is a quick read packed with all the humor and pathos of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. I wish you well and am looking forward to much more from you.

  7. jack Collins

    I would like your contact number so Pat de Rose can invite you to our 11th annual Friends of the Duarte Library’s Festival of Authors, Saturday, Oct. 5th 2013
    in Duarte, Ca. Thank you.

    Jack Collins

  8. roger ganas

    Panorama City. I got it from the library some time back. After reading it, I immediately ordered a copy of my own. Had to have it.
    Last month it came to me, I needed to immediately order another copy online and have it mailed directly to my good friend in another town. I’m rereading it now so if my friend I talk about it, it’ll be fresh in my mind. Man..what a doozy of a story you wrote. Thanks.

  9. George Patton

    Yesterday during the reading at Lemuria he asked me to provide him with a list of obscure words used in his novel. Words that may be unfamiliar to a day to day reader of fiction.

    avarice, gimbal, indefatigable, roman a clef, melange, bunko, filial, schadenfreude, kismet, parallax, diptych, impasto, nimbus, vino veritas, tete a tete, sotto voce, biome, toadyism, carnality, hoi polloi, implacable, cognoscentti, apotheosis, aesthete, sagacious, cipher, argot, sinecure, killim, and serendipity.

    I felt that contributed in a very positive way even though I had to look them up. Maybe it’s like the obscure words I use practicing medicine.

  10. David— Thanks for the thoughtful and insightful review. I especially appreciate the references to Camus’ The Fall, which I have on my shelves but (believe it or not) have not yet read. Yrs Antoine

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